1) Fair begins Mon. Nov. 27th at 9:00 am. We will run each day from about 9:00 am- 3:30 pm, except during the lunch time.
2) Family fun night will be Tues. Nov. 28th from 5:30-7:30 pm. Always a great night.
3) I will be setting up the fair. Tues. Nov. 21st. WE WILL have the teacher wish baskets out and please try to come by sometime before Family Night and put some items in that you would like to have for your classroom.
4) Due to the days off I am putting the book fair fliers/letters in your boxes today. PLEASE SEND THOSE HOME ON FRIDAY :) Thanks
5) All of the on-line and regular book fair information can be found in this letter.
6) Students WILL be allowed to shop on the day they have library. You can also send your students with money down anytime that is convenient for you. Please let them know if they have a time limit.
7) We are going to try to set the fair up so that students CAN check out during this week also.
8) We will be allowing students to preview the fair during their classes but please feel free to walk them through if you would like. We won't be filling out wish lists etc.
Several parent volunteers willing to help throughout the week and on this evening of the 28th would be GREatly appreciated! Please feel free to sign up below for multiple shifts if available.
The Reading Engagement Committee are excited for some of the new things going on with the book fair this year! There are plans to have a themed dress up day this year for each day of the book fair (Nov 27-Dec 1). I
Monday: Nonfiction (Dress like a nonfiction topic you would most like to read about...elephants, insects, volcanoes, hurricanes, dinosaurs, sharks, sports, outer space, etc.)
Tuesday: Dr. Seuss (Dress like your favorite Dr. Seuss character)
Wednesday: Biography (Dress like a famous person you would like to read about...Abe Lincoln, Babe Ruth, Rosa Parks, Albert Einstein, Amelia Earhart, Elvis Presley, etc.)
Thursday: Comic Book (Dress up as your favorite superhero)
Friday: Fairytale (Dress like a character that could only exist in a fairytale... dragon, mermaid, troll, unicorn, witch, etc.)
Source: Sign up for parent volunteers